The Aberwrac'h's semaphore built in 1861, ensured communication and surveillance for boats
cruising off the coast.
The security mission of spotters ended from the ignition of the Ile Vierge's lighthouse at the beginning of the dusk
and resumed in the morning from its extinction.
The two points of waiting on the sea were complementary and a lot of dramas were avoid for these people dedicated to the maritime world.
Following the disaster of the Amoco Cadiz in March 1678 another semaphore was built in 1979 in the city of Brignogan in order to expand the field of action.
Because of the coming ofother more modern techniques (installation of radar)the closure of the Aberwrac'h's semaphore was decided in October 1981
Following a fire in 1992 the semaphore was acquired by the municipality of Landeda in 1994 and rebuilt into a cultural venue.
In July 1997 the semaphore is inaugurated as a cultural center, where are presented exhibitions managed by the
municipality with volunteers.
Since 2010 a partnership was created to manage the cultural activities with the agreement of the
Elizabeth Estienne and Martine Boucher

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